

World Sustainability

Fighting pollution is of little interest in our current economic system where maximizing profit prevails in every decision. It only becomes a concern when it is already too late.
The health and well being of the people and all life forms is the highest if not the only priority of Paradism.
Resources will primarily go towards repairing the earth and keeping it safe and clean for all life.
It implies an immediate, unilateral and complete demilitarization along with the dismantling and the banning of all weapons designed to kill or injure human beings.

To achieve sustainability, Paradism will first need to strictly monitor the population growth and keep it at levels for which our resources and technology can guarantee the well-being of everyone including those of the future generations.
To avoid ending up living on mountains of waste, everything will need to be recyclable and ultimately biodegradable.
Bio-technologies must be developed to provide all the biologically engineered components or materials that are required by our manufacturing industry to make products that will quickly disintegrate after usage via the recycling process of Nature.
Everything could be made biologically or could at least be biologically assimilated.

World Without Work
World Without Money
World Without Government
World Sustainability
World Without Disease
World Paradise